Welcome, Empowered human

Read on to embrace your Empowered Human Community

  • Drama Therapist & Empowerment Specialist Nina Garcia - Headshot


    A mix of Workshop, Masterclass, and Special Event 💌 oh my!

    When it comes to spreading the word on Empowerment, we're trying to flip the script on resource availability with easy access to online courses at your own pace, live support when you need it, and a growing community of Empowered Humans.

  • Empowered Human Podcast - Logo


    We love gamifying “the work” ❤️

    Join your Empowered Human community with weekly episodes & adventure challenges available to all. You’re invited to choose courage over cowardice, healing over harming, and belonging over rejecting 💌 check out what we have coming up next!

  • Road

    empowered human Quest

    Empowering EDIA conversations with a dramatically playful twist. Designed for courageous humans who want to own their truth without oppressing.



Empowerment Spectrum Diagram

Imagine a world where you can own your truth...

No matter where you are ❤️

  • Struggling to embrace your diverse, seemingly conflicting human identities?

    >>> Learn how to heal the humanity within yourself, others, and the world at large to wholly embrace how you human.

  • Feel like you don’t “belong”?

    >>> Embrace your most authentic, Empowered Human self - and learn how to belong to yourself everywhere you go.

  • Got a mix of identities people don’t seem to understand?

    >>> Discover how to courageously exist & celebrate “belonging to you”.

  • Been told you’re “not enough” or “too much”?

    >>> Be unapologetically yourself - without constantly feeling rejected by people who don’t understand the vibrant human you are.

  • Want to live & love without shame?

    >>> Create a culture of true belonging by owning your truth and embracing all of you!

top 3 reasons to join

  • Paint


    “Sometimes I feel like I need more than a day to sit into my discomfort - it’s not just the acknowledgement of it, it’s knowing that I’m enough that whatever I am is still worthy…the toughest thing is not having all the answers…journaling now is one of the best things I’ve done so far.”

    -EH Identity: “The Perfectionist”

  • Paint


    “We’re worth more than the worst thing we’ve ever done - we’re worth more than the worst thing that’s ever happened to us.“

    -EH Identity: “The Divorcee”

  • Paint


    “The techniques she used not only helped me identify where I had room for growth, but helped beyond the session...I have made conscious decisions about what we discussed and discovered...Thank you, Nina, for helping me embrace myself!”

    -EH: “Embracing All of Me”

Drama Therapist & Empowerment Specialist Nina Garcia - Headshot

Let's get really real for a sec —

Empowerment may not be the right fit for you if...

  • you believe that life is preordained before birth; 

  • you believe that only one person can't make a difference;

  • you believe there's only one way people “should” create change in the world - and it's your way;

  • you're a Level 3 - 5 Supremacist who wants to stay at 3 - 5; or,

  • you just love you some binary thinking and you want other people to limit their thinking as well.

Know that I'm sending you intentional energy for the next step on your journey 🍃


NOTE: Empowerment is different than "empowerment" in our worldview. Empowerment with a capital E refers to an intentional practice for liberating Self, Others, and the World at large; all three are considered important. Whereas "empowerment" in the general sense refers to the act of giving one person or group power, and does not intentionally consider the beneficial impact on Others or the World at large.

First off - WHY is Empowerment important?

Many of us are raised in Powered environments, spaces where we are not only permitted - but often praised - for:

  • Minimizing, misrepresenting, or outright rejecting people who are “different” than us.

This leads to:

  • Invalidation Trauma: what remains when we habitually invalidate ourselves, others have habitually invalidated us, or we are habitually invalidating others.

Developing an Empowerment practice helps:

  • Intentionally disrupt & dismantle harmful patterns of invalidation;

  • Rebuild an experience of intentional validation;

  • Heal humanity through beneficial impact: within the Self, Others, and the World at large.

Got it: we're all about healing humanity with intention & validation here!

So - What do you mean by EMPOWERMENT?

Empowerment is a practice that involves:

  • A dedicated framework & skillset;

  • A lifestyle that intentionally liberates;

  • A worldview that prioritizes the diversity of humanity within the Self, Others, and the World at large.

Liberation is a big deal...

So what is an "Empowered Human" then?

An individual who:

  • Develops Empowerment as a liberatory practice;

  • Intentionally validates humanity: within the Self, Others, and the World at large;

  • Beneficially impacts humanity: within the Self, Others, and the World at large.

That sounds amazing.

Do I need to have a particular set of beliefs...?

Empowered Humans exist across the globe & universally share 3 core principles:

  • I will choose Courage - to intentionally approach Self, Others, & the World at large;

  • I will choose Healing - to intentionally engage in repair or rebuilding with Self, Others, & the World at large;

  • I will choose Belonging - to intentionally include & redefine my relationship with Self, Others, & the World at large.

Well if it's as great as it sounds:

What’s in it for ME? 

If you’re into courageously existing, healing from invalidation, and truly belonging to yourself - then you’ve just found:

  • Community, with a

  • Dedicated framework, to help you

  • Transition from Powered & oppressive dynamics in work, love, life...

  • To embracing an Empowered Human lifestyle full of courage to exist as you are, pathways to healing from invalidation, and truly belonging to you.

The Courage, Healing & Belonging you practice for your Self will show up in your relationships with Others, as well as the World at large…but it starts with us loving all of YOU!


What's the next step to developing my

Empowered Human self?!

> Get curious about where you fall on the Empowerment Spectrum: Take the quiz here!

>> Join an upcoming Events or listen to the Empowered Human Podcast here!

>>> Stay tune to our next generation wellness program's next cohort 💌

Still exploring your options? Stay up to date with our Empowerment Dose: offering a quick, 3 step tool in each email. Receive other insider info & tools from the Empowered Human podcast, invitations to upcoming events, and more: Join the Empowerment Dose mailing list here!

Empowered Human self?!